Jak co roku zapraszamy na letni obóz sekcji. W tym roku jedziemy nad morze (Zatoka Gdańska) do miejscowości Jantar w dniach 12-19 lipca. Treningi tradycyjnie będą prowadzone przez shihana Ivo Belmansa, a na macie pojawią sie goście z Ukrainy, Austrii i Belgii.
Zakwaterowanie w pokojach 2-3 osobowych i trzyosobowych domkach (oczywiście z łazienkami), dwa posiłki dziennie. Do morza 15-20 minut spacerem, w okolicach piękne plaże, wiele knajpek i barów, latarnie morskie, rezerwaty ptaków,Stutthof oraz pobliski Gdańsk
Obecność oczywiście obowiązkowa, zapraszamy z rodzinami.
Information in English
This year we invite you to Jantar – a small resort on the Polish seaside, near Gdańsk. As usual we chose a really nice place, 15 minutes walk from a beautiful beach and cold Polish sea.
There are 2-3 persons rooms in the hotel and some three persons bungalows. There are small swimming pools and a grill place, also a 150m2 place for tatami. There are plenty of bars, fish restaurants, etc. near the hotel.
For people willing to come by plane, there are possibilities with standard lines (LOT, Brussels Air) or with lowcost Wizzair from Charleroi or Eindhoven to Warsaw or Gdańsk. We will help with getting to the place from airports. There is also a possibility to arrive by car (almost whole distance by highway).
The price is 1000 PLN (around 250 euro) including trainings, hotel, 2 meals (breakfast served and “buffet” dinner). For telephone assistance call Konrad 0048 603253395 or e-mail: kojot@post.pl (Krzysztof).
There are only 40 places booked for our camp.