KoKoDo Ju-Jutsu Taikai – Tuluza 2020
Wiadomość z 25 maja 2020.
Dear friends,
During the last months our lives have been drastically changed, our daily lives have been completely disrupted and our Seminars and meetings have been canceled. I regret to inform you that our Taikai 2020 Toulouse is canceled too. The situation is still very uncertain, so there is currently no clarity as to whether the Taikai could be postponed until a later date this year. When more information is available, you will be notified immediately.
In the meantime, I hope that you are all healthy and that we will overcome this crisis together soon. Stay healthy, remain optimist and remain KoKoDo
In name of KoKoDo Kyu Shin Kai and Toulouse Taikai Organisation
Budo greetings,
Informacja o hotelu:
Accommodation offered, negotiated price at 30€/night and for 1 person.
Thanks to group, apartment from 2 to 8 people.
Reservation required through the Seinenkan Dojo.