Dear Friends

15th (by different sources 16th or 17th) KoKoDo Summercamp is over. As always it was plenty of good trainings and lots of fun.

We visited Gdańsk and Malbork, ate a few hundreds of smoked and fried fishes, drank a few glasses of white polish wine.

Now Western and Polish Teams are happily home, Eastern Team still on their way with a stop in Warsaw.

Big thanx to Sensei Ivo, shihan Danny, shihan Louis, shihan Saskia.

Big thanx to all participants from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Bydgoszcz – not yet a country but you never know 😉

Thanx to Sakura Dojo members for your support with organization, with tatamis, logistics, especially to Krzysztof Choroszko, Tomek Kozak, Michał Bobrowski, Włodzimierz Klimm.

Congratulations for Martyna (shodan test) and all other tested students. Great job you did.

Tatamis despite some adventures on the way are finally in home dojo.

See you next summer…hmmm actually this November 🙂
